My Layby NZ: The best place to flexibly buy Apple Watch Series 3

Doubtlessly, the latest Apple Watch (Series 4) is amazing. The latest generation of Apple Watch has got tons of powerful features. But you still prefer the rock-solid rectangular body of Apple Watch Series 3 over the Series 4’s rounded display. You were actually waiting for Apple Watch Series 4 to launch, hoping that the price of its predecessor will take a plunge. In your heart of hearts, you were secretly hoping that the Series 3’s price will drop to the extent that it meets your definition of affordability. To your sadness, it didn’t happen that way. Apple Watch Series 3 is still priced high, touching almost $700. Well, you think of getting that watch on instalment; then, you see the interest of these instalments — it’s also sky-high. So, what are your options, now? First of all, you can continue living your life that’s devoid of the amazingness packed inside an Apple Watch. Second, you can get that smartwatch on interest-heavy instalments. Last, an...